William Wesley: “Some guy tried to insult me one time I'm the white World Wide Wes. The Duke J-Will, not the White Chocolate J-Will. Jason Williams and Jason Williams: “I knew J-Will. When KD started to take his faith in a different way, I was around.” Kevin Durant: “KD, some people saw us together. But even given the vapid-friendly setting, Lentz more than blended.Ī roster of his droppings, generally in order of appearance: Not that anybody should look to a Simmons 'cast expecting a lecture fit for the Harvard School of Divinity. To make himself seem even more annoying, Lentz almost always just dropped a first name, last name, or nickname.

Nah, as soon as Simmons finished an introduction full of his guest's pastoral bona fides, Lentz instead just started dropping names of NBA guys, lots and lots of guys. (He scored eight points total in his two seasons with the Wolfpack.) But the podcast doesn't find Lentz giving Simmons or the audience much about, say, a bird's-eye view of the role spirituality plays in basketball today, despite the host's occasional prodding to go there, or anything remotely interesting. Lentz, 42, grew up in Virginia’s Tidewater region, historically a hoops hotbed, and before taking up the Jesus business was himself a good enough high school basketball player to earn a seat on the N.C. For a primer on Pastor Carl’s awfulness, dust off his 2017 appearance on The Ringer NBA Podcast hosted by Bill Simmons.

And as is usually the case in the wake of these public defrockings, a takeaway of the Times’ takedown is surprise that it took so long for Lentz to be exposed. No portion of the article was more disparaging than a description of him as being beholden to a specific “look” dependent on "tattoos, edgy glasses and not just style but fashion" (italics theirs). The profile has more than accusations that Lentz violated vows, however. The piece will read like pornography to anybody pleasured by the downfall of devout adulterers, such as vintage hypocritical whoremongers Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker, or more contemporary secret swingers Jerry and Becki Falwell.
(Winfrey has apparently removed videos of conversations with Lentz from her website and Facebook pages.) The Times highlights the chronic infidelity and serial phoniness that did him in. His greatest hits before the fall came in baptizing drinking buddy Justin Bieber in Tyson Chandler’s tub, and in telling Oprah Winfrey that people don’t need Jesus to have a relationship with god, before retracting the comment to Winfrey under heavy pressure from less tolerant Christians. Lentz, for anybody who doesn’t have TMZ alerts, was the so-called “Rock Star Pastor” fired last month by the Hillsong Church, for whom he’d spent about a decade ministering to an increasingly massive New York congregation when not counseling the rich and famous on Jesus matters. The New York Times rained hellfire on celebrity preacher Carl Lentz over the weekend.